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This is the first Saturday in 3 years that I HAVEN'T posted a video on Hevesh5, and you know… it feels great 🙂 I don't feel guilty, or feel like I didn't work hard enough. I feel good about it, and know that I DESERVE a break after 3 years of consistent weekly uploads. Just a few months ago, I would have pulled all nighters to finish editing a video so it could go up on time, but in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter. People will watch if they want to watch, and life goes on. I've come a long way and have accepted that everything will be okay if I don't post. It sounds silly now to think that everything could go wrong if I missed an upload. I care deeply about my videos and want to provide good content as often as I can, but sometimes life gets busy and it's okay to take a step back when you need to. Instead of rushing to put up a video, I spent this morning having a lovely breakfast with my parents, spending time with my dog, and playing piano. It was a great start to the weekend after a long 2-day build for a client. Happy Saturday, folks. I hope you enjoy the weekend and take some time for yourself, even if it’s just 15 minutes. You deserve it.

Lily Hevesh / Hevesh5さん(@hevesh5)がシェアした投稿 –



平均スコア 5 / 5. 評価数: 1


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